
Monday, April 18, 2016

I'm a happy runner.

Monday, April 18, 2016
My run yesterday is quite exhausting yet satisfying. I nearly run out of breath for I run in a hilly trail for I wanted to test my stamina and endurance. Took a slower pace to reach my goal of 3.2K on a cold drizzy weather. Of course, I did it! 

This is probably how I look like yesterday .(insert smiley emoticon here)

Last week, I reached my training goal by running 7miles - 11kilometers in total. Wow!

This week, I'm building my strength and with a goal to achieved 13 miles - 21K run/walk.
Will I managed this week? We will see how it goes, me and my training to run. 


Monday : Walk 2 mi
Tuesday : Run 3 mi
Wednesday : Cross-train (Planning to do yoga)
Thurday: Rest
Friday: Walk 2 mi
Sat: Run 4 mi
Sunday: Walk 2 mi

I still don't consider myself as a runner for I am still on my 3rd week of serious training, But I feel like I am! because I have that happy feeling every time I run Morever, I can't stop talking about my running and the next training that I need to pursue. Yay! Sounds crazy, isn't it? 


Although, the people in our village still look at me with amusement every time they all see me running. But, I don't care now for I'm not running for amusement. I run to feel good and to make me feel great. Not, looking after other people's amusement.

My coaching friends and my running addicted friends warned me about sounding and looking like crazy when you started running.  I don't understand about that at first. Now, I know why. 


That make me happy.

I am a happy runner. 


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