
Friday, August 11, 2017

Tatry 2017: Learnings being off-trail

Friday, August 11, 2017
Travelling is one thing that I enjoy the most, but not travelling with work of course. I meant travelling with pleasure. It is my way to detach and be with my inner self again, especially when I am with nature. 

We spent our vacation this summer in the Tatras. I always love Polish mountains. It is calming at the same time relaxing. If I have to chose, I would love to traverse for awhile being in the mountain. I love to go off trail and walking each rough road has taught me a great deal in dealing with life in general. It stabilizes my emotions and sense of focus. 

Sharing some snaps below....

On top of GubaƂowka, Zakopane, Poland

It was a wonderful summery day as you can see people are enjoying the ambiance.

mountain view
View from our apartament

Who would not love waking up in such a great relaxing view.

Sunset over the Tatras
Sunset over the tatras is amazingly wonderful. 
I will post a more detailed blog with regards to this trip soon. I promise. 

Let me share with you some thoughts and learnings about this trip. We are all built for travelling where there is no path. Every walks helps us to be more solid, balanced and stable in this chaotic world we live in. Like every single thing we experience and every trail we are walking in, requires practice and we are not all masters. We stumble and fall and get lost from time to time.

The greatest lesson learned that I could truly correlates being in the mountain is that, it teaches me freedom, humility, that all things we experience in life are best when they come from within and that we should no be afraid to walk through life.

Have a wonderful walk every single trip of your lifetime.


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