We celebrated international women's day few days ago. In Poland, they celebrate it well. I thimk. although I could see commerialized ads pertaining this day, too. Eventhough, I'm not into such celebration, all the more my other half, yet i bought two bunches of pink tulips and purple ones instead. To remind myself that every woman is worthy to be respected and love. Not being abused emotionally, mentally, sexually and physically. That woman are priceless individuals worthy of equality and rights. I may sound feminist, but maybe I am. After experiencing bouts of abused myself from worthless people I've met along the way of my young life. I could say i support every woman's struggles. I am emphatic and i easily get emotional when i heard ones struggle.
Women's day in Poland is celebrated by giving away flowers or sweets to one important woman of their life. There are running marathons for women and other activities supporting women's caused. Perfectly organized in schools, cities or by any organizations. I think this is a good way to remember the woman in our life. And by the way, women here in Poland during the war and communist era were never recognized. Today, they are well represented in any flatform.
How about in your area, how do you celebrate women's day?
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